Minggu, 15 November 2009

Fallen's Back Tattoo V.2

Hey all!

I got this request from some people on MTS.
They want me to include Fallen's back tattoo (the wings) as a file itself without him.
Well, I already did that in the first place.
In fact I made all those files separatedly so you can
pick what you like.

(I know not everyone likes fantasy type sims. I understand that.
But I LOVE my Fallen. He's the only elf I have in my game)

Anyway, I decided to make another version of his back tattoo.
This one without word "FALLEN"
So here's the screenshot.
I used Fallen as model cause this is his tattoo.

(click the pics to enlarge them)

Here's the link to the tattoo.


And if you want to have Fallen
(who know's maybe some people like elf)
you can get him from the link I provide above.
All custom contents I used to make him are included there.
Here's a pic of Fallen close up
(I know he's too pretty for a male. Oh well..)
Have fun with him, ok!
(if you like him, of course)

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